Home Community Insights Combating Criminal Acts With Technical Measures (II)

Combating Criminal Acts With Technical Measures (II)

Combating Criminal Acts With Technical Measures (II)
Just as IT, nanotechnology is also a type of technology (source: MIT)

Continued from here. 

Vehicle crime equally poses a dynamic challenge to these agencies. Vehicle crime investigators are invariably faced with ever-changing technology as well as regular introduction of new vehicle models.

Modern vehicles are more like mobile computers constantly threatened by hackers. The police must take note of this fact and advance on it.

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Digital forensics is a branch of science encompassing the recovery and investigations of materials found in digital devices including computers, cell phones, and cameras. The police will continue to be challenged to acquire the needed tools and training to perform competent digital forensic investigations, and keep pace with criminal activity.

On this premise, it has become pertinent for digital forensic departments to be designed in all police quarters, and such units ought to be sustained by continually providing the required equipment, manpower, and environment as time progresses.

Legislation can also be of help while discussing this new innovation. Hence, lawmakers should provide a law, mandating all vehicles coming to Nigeria to bear micro-dotting technology. This would ensure that each vehicle contains approximately 1000 hidden markers that hold the identity of that vehicle, so that, in the event of the vehicle being stolen, it can be easily identified.

Importantly, the locations of the 0.5mm dots are not visible to thieves, thus cannot be altered by them. The police personnel should also be trained on how to identify data-dot technology. Continual in-service training would, therefore, be very helpful in this regard towards boosting staff confidence and competence.

The recently signed Cybercrime Act should equally be reviewed by the impending legislature and subsequently implemented by setting up a special unit under the Police Force that would be in charge of crimes involving the internet.

Such a unit must possess all the needed devices and experts. The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) is, on its part, expected to play a major role in crimes pertaining to the use of cell phones, thus the police must endeavour to collaborate with the commission.

The truth remains that, for Nigeria to properly tackle all kinds of crimes, the relevant authorities must boast of various well-equipped sensitive units on digital investigations, cyber security, and/or electronic discovery, as the case may be.

As sophisticated crimes evolve on a daily basis in our present days’ society, it has conspicuously become imperative for all the relevant authorities to equally consider deploying sophisticated measures with a view to tactically tackling the societal menace no matter whose ox is gored.

It’s on this premise I candidly implore the various law enforcement agencies and agents operating in Nigeria and beyond that are yet to embrace the current realities, to do so with all manner of seriousness and as a matter of urgency.

All the needed technicalities and techniques must be duly employed by the concerned bodies and individuals towards aptly arriving at the desired destination if they are prepared to fight crimes, which have ostensibly become the world’s dreaded nightmare.

It’s indeed high time we did the needful in a bid to salvage our respective societies that have seemingly been overtaken by men of the underworlds. This can only be accomplished by jettisoning all forms of frivolities for priorities’ sake.

Hence, as crimes prevail by the day in all corners of the world, every individual or entity, as the case may be, is enjoined to acknowledge that every aspect of criminalities could be aptly tackled with adequate deployment of technical measures.

So, as everyone, either individually or collectively, makes frantic and drastic efforts to combat crimes in our respective jurisdictions, we are urged not to despise the efficacy of the tech approach, which has apparently become the ultimate.

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