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Less Than 12 Hours To Go – Tekedia Mini-MBA
We will begin in less than 12 hours from now! It would be one of the finest academic festivals you will partake in business...
G7 Leaders Reach Deal to Force Big Tech to Pay More Tax
G7 leaders have struck a “historic agreement” to force internet giants to pay more tax, including in the UK, Rishi Sunak has announced. Independent...
Welcome 38 Countries To Tekedia Mini-MBA Edition 5
Thank you for joining us at Tekedia Mini-MBA edition 5. We begin tomorrow (June 7). If you’ve paid, directly or via our Country Partners,...
Edves Catalyst 2021 Keynote – Discovering A New Path In The Business of Education
Thank you Edves for inviting me to deliver the Keynote for Edves Catalyst 2021 yesterday. I had prepared a speech but quickly changed everything...
The GREAT Powers of the Future – And the Challenge to Nations
How can a company ban a president in an ecosystem? How can a company delete contents put by a president? How can a company...