CATEGORY: Community Insights
Great Online Resources To Acquire Technical Skills
By Ajayi Joel
Few days ago, an online friend reached out to me that he wanted me to mentor him over the next step to...
The Silent Ears of a Moth
By Sani Nahuche
More than two thousand years ago, the Roman orator, belletrist, thinker, Stoic, manipulator-politician, and (usually) virtuous gentleman, Marcus Tullius Cicero, presented the...
The Universe of Risk
By Olowu Modebola Anne
Risk: It’s in the air you breathe,
In your drinking water, in your car, while you walk, while you sleep.
It’s at your backyard,...
The Race for 5G
By Sani Nahuche
5G is by and large understood as the fifth-age cell innovation that will unleash game-changing broadband access. The business affiliation 3GPP characterizes...
The True Value of a Nigerian Life
By Miracle Roch
What does it mean to be Nigerian? What is the Nigerian dream? As more of the best Nigerian minds continue to despise...