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Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger Finalize Plan to Form Confederation

Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger Finalize Plan to Form Confederation

In a historic move, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have finalized their plan to form a confederation, officially marking their shift away from former colonial ruler France and toward closer ties with Russia. 

The announcement came after a meeting of the countries’ foreign ministers in Niger’s capital, Niamey.

The newly formed Confederation of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) aims to institutionalize and operationalize a unified front to tackle the region’s security and economic challenges. Niger’s Foreign Minister, Bakary Yaou Sangare, detailed the outcomes of the meeting in a statement released late Friday.

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“The objective was to finalize the draft text relating to the institutionalization and operationalization of the Confederation of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES),” Sangare stated.

A New Era for the Sahel

The draft text, which will be presented for adoption by the heads of state of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger at an upcoming summit, signifies a significant geopolitical shift in the region. Although the exact date of the summit was not disclosed, the formation of the AES marks a clear intent to establish a new regional order.

Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop, after meeting with General Abdourahamane Tiani, head of Niger’s military regime, declared the birth of the AES.

“We can consider very clearly, today, that the Confederation of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) has been born,” Diop announced.

The Sahel region, plagued by jihadist violence for years, has seen increasing frustration with France’s inability to curb the insurgency. Also, the French government has been accused of exploiting its former colonies. This dissatisfaction has led Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger to sever ties with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which they accuse of being under French influence. The three countries announced their departure from ECOWAS in January, paving the way for the formation of the AES.

Seeking New Alliances 

The AES’s pivot towards Russia reflects a broader trend in African geopolitics, where countries are seeking new alliances beyond traditional Western powers. This realignment underscores a desire for diversified diplomatic and military support, especially in combating terrorism and fostering economic development.

The establishment of the AES is seen as a strategic move to enhance regional cooperation and address the persistent threat of jihadist violence. By pooling resources and coordinating efforts, the member states aim to create a more effective response to security challenges that have long plagued the Sahel region.

However, the formation of the AES also raises questions about the future of regional cooperation in West Africa. With Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger charting their own course, the dynamics within ECOWAS and the broader West African region are likely to shift. There is concern that the AES could potentially attract other nations facing similar challenges and frustrations with existing regional bodies.

Ousmane Sonko, recently appointed as Senegal’s Prime Minister, has reportedly hinted at the possibility of closing French military bases in the country. This move aligns with Sonko’s long-standing stance against French influence in Senegal, a remnant of its colonial past.

Sonko and President Bassirou Diomaye Faye, have expressed a commitment to greater national sovereignty, including reevaluating foreign military presence and renegotiating mining, oil, and gas contracts to better benefit Senegal.

“We must question the reasons why the French army for example still benefits from several military bases in our country and the impact of this presence on our national sovereignty and our strategic autonomy,” he said.

“I reiterate here the desire of Senegal to have its own control, which is incompatible with the lasting presence of foreign military bases in Senegal… Many countries have promised defense agreements, but this does not justify the fact that a third of the Dakar region is now occupied by foreign garrisons.

“More than 60 years after our independence… we must question the reasons why the French army for example still benefits from several military bases in our country and the impact of this presence on our national sovereignty and our strategic autonomy.”

Thus, the AES represents a bold step for Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger as they seek to redefine their regional and international relationships. By moving away from French influence and aligning more closely with Russia, these nations are signaling their intent to take control of their own security and economic destinies. 

However, experts believe that the success of the AES will depend on the member states’ ability to effectively collaborate and implement their shared goals in the face of ongoing regional challenges.

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20 THOUGHTS ON Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger Finalize Plan to Form Confederation

  1. Long live Pan Africanism. Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali has taken a positive step by kicking the French out.
    Despite the negative propoganda from mainstream Western media, the trio have set the standard for other Alkebulan countries to emulate.

    • Kicking the French out is long overdue, but replacing them with the Russians or the Chinese as new masters doesn’t make for pan-Africanism. African must be for Africans, PERIOD!!!

  2. But where does that left ECOWAS ? The political will of the three can be well understood but they could do without hampering progressive regional aims and objectives of the block.
    It should be regional integrations first as we have been thought a lesson about. They should not leave the Community of west African states.

  3. This is a right step in the right direction. The influence of French and other Western powers like Britain in their former colonies have done more harm than good. It’s time Africa take their destiny into their own hands. Africa Arise!?

  4. This is an indication that all foreign military bases must be dismantled. That will be the tru basis for Ecowas unity.

  5. Ecowas is the puppet of western countries viva mali Burkina faso and Niger kicking French troops next will be Avory coast africa need new blood

  6. The western hegemony will become history, Nigeria should wake up and set herself free from America and Britain. The influence of Billgate should be curtailed, our politicians must be taught a lesson. these people are devil waiting for the big devil to emerge.

  7. People are suffering from economic blockade, middle class in ruins, corruption is High, French is responsible for underdevelopment of ecowas states. Each and every institution controlled by French authorities direct or indirectly. If these military heads cleanup the Corruption virus Africa can control the so called super powers robbing Africa day in and out. Self-respect can only make Africa king again.

  8. Such alliances are for immediate selfish need to remain in power. Will these countries now have a perpetual military regime?
    Why taking decisions that will drawn the region backward just cos of personal benefit?

  9. Their former independent date should be abolished, their true independent date has just began the day they kicked France off their territory. France, British Belgium and USA are the reason why Africa remains a mining field

  10. Other African that western country still dominate in terms of economics should wake-up true the ages of Burkina Faso, Mali,and Niger. Like Nigeria that world bank, china, Japan America, Britain we give money I bring the person that will execute the project

  11. I am ashamed that we still have people like these “Three Musketeers” derailing the unity of Africa our fore fathers were were crying for. Today these elements of Burkina Faso,Mali and Niger have shown how unpatriotic they are. Hope these three countries and people stop speaking French. I must take this opportunity to warned the newly elected President of Senegal to be cautious not to tread through a dangerous path. Fellow Africans, why should we always cast blame on the West for our situation when we are the cause just as these three have demonstrated. AU is bigger and stronger than ECOWAS, just as ECOWAS than the so called AES. I called for the most stringent measures against these people selling Africa to Russia who has done any economic development in the continent except to plunder and sell out dated weapons to fight ourselves and against the West. Africans wake up! Brothers and daughters of African rise up.

  12. The western press keep parroting that these states are pivoting to Russia, but it’s simply not true, and it’s sad to see an African publication repeating this, Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso are independent states, yes they have taken steps against French arrogance, partly because of Russian propaganda, but Russia is one of many countries that they deal with, whether for arms and military advice, or for trade in less newsworthy goods and services

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