Nnamdi Madichie
AUTHOR: Nnamdi Madichie
Remembering Robert Nesta Marley In Thoughts, Words And Deeds
"The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around...
Making a Case for SDG18 Eradicating Pandemics and Epidemics
I am proposing a rethink of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs), largely from an African lens. In this article, "Making a Case...
The African City of Culture: Project Delayed, Project Denied
I'm not quite sure about the choice of title for this post, but the rationale is quite compelling. I have written reasonably extensively on...
Resuscitating African University Journals
The argument around the marginalisation of African research on the global podium has been a longstanding and controversial matter over the years.
The above...
African MSME Challenges: Barbershops & Car Wash Businesses in Nigeria
The reason for this post is simple. Society looks up to higher education institutions to their future. Universities in particular, should, as public institutions...