Samuel Ajiboyede
AUTHOR: Samuel Ajiboyede
What comes after the AHA moment?
There is a lot of hype around how the success of a business is dependent on the validity of the idea, and as a...
Stand out by standing ‘in a niche’
For small businesses and startups, there is always a strong pull to come up with products or services that will serve the entire market....
Organize Your Team Around Your Revenue Operating Model
At the very start, a business may have zero revenue streams but it should have a plan detailing how it plans to make money...
Startup Success: Timing May Be More Important Than The Idea
A study conducted about reasons startups fail showed that timing accounts for 42 percent of team successes or failures in any business, higher than...
Why you should be outsourcing
Whether you are a startup in your growth stage, or still trying to get your product to launch, you will find that you may...