Home Latest Insights | News Apple Distributes Killer Viruses And Diseases Around Entreprises – BlackBerry HIV, Motorola Heart, Nokia Cancer, HP Allergy

Apple Distributes Killer Viruses And Diseases Around Entreprises – BlackBerry HIV, Motorola Heart, Nokia Cancer, HP Allergy

Our apology if you do not like the title of this piece. But we want to make a point. Apple is destroying and disrupting enterprise ecosystem. Many companies are basically dying or exiting the industry because of the iPhone and iPad. Apple executes so well that instead of the rivals competing, they just decide to join the Apple parade. And when it is not possible, they exit.


Last year, one small company, Kno, planned to make e-readers that could be used to sell educational materials.  That company has since decided to make iPad it wanted to compete against the central piece of its new app business.


So, Apple is causing problems and distributing virus and diseases with some in the killer category. The following are what Apple has done to some iconic and big companies with the nature of the virus/disease:

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  • Motorola Mobility got a heart attack but was saved by Google when it bought it. Without Google, Motorola Mobility was sure to be dead. But it can survive the heart attack, albeit, under this new doctor and hospital wad, named Google. It was due to iPhone and iPad that Motorola needs this Google help.
  • Nokia has a treatable cancer. Chemo is going on, being administered by one  guy they picked from Microsoft. So far, it is inclusive to know if Nokia will survive or not. Good enough for Nokia, the disease has not become so bad that Nokia cannot be saved. iPhone destroyed Nokia business model and today they are looking for answers. With few phones in the low cost category going to be sold in the developed world in coming years, Nokia is required to step up and make smartphones.
  • HP has allergy. They seem to be clouded with no plan. They bought Compaq ten years. Bought Palm few months ago. And today, they are exiting the business. That allergy must clear soon. This company followed Apple into tablet only to be surprised within a month that they did not get it right. They quickly want to clear the allergy and refocus into server, corporate services and software. Good enough, Apple has not decided to go into those areas. But IBM is surely waiting for HP.
  • BlackBerry is at an advanced stage of HIV and any moment now, it will transmute into a full AIDS. Provided Apple remains in business, this HIV can only be cured by 100% blood transfusion with another company buying BB.  Otherwise, BB cannot do it alone. It was iPhone that destroyed this company and they may never recover. Microsoft is a good doctor and BB may better visit that hospital quick.


We are working on a piece that will help African firms to know how to navigate this enterprise disruption and focus on areas of growth and opportunity. We recommend that your business becomes anchored on Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Apple technologies. Other ones may not easily survive!



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