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10 Signs You are Destined for Greatness

10 Signs You are Destined for Greatness

The individual life rests on the search for meaning, relevance and fulfilment. Happiness is a common good but it has both implicit and explicit costs which not all persons that desire happiness are able to meet. Consequently, not many people are able to reach an enduring happiness. The aphorism, ‘’graveyard of talents’’, specifically directs the mind to the multiplicity of unfulfilled lives or unactualized destinies.

The near-death experience often inspires a feeling of regret about what one had not said, touched or done while one had the opportunity of the gift of life. Therefore, while still part of the general purpose and process of life, one is constantly challenged to examine oneself and the direction at which one is leading one’s life.

‘’An unexamined life is not worth living’’ argues Socrates, the father of classical philosophy.

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What are the signs you are living a great life?

Self-Awareness: The foundation of all successes, happiness and joy is knowledge of the self. In a world of myriad beauties and talents, ability to understand and connect with one’s unique identity enables the individual to overcome identity crisis and life’s other conflicts. Individuals who are destined for greatness do not appreciate beauty so much that they lose their sense of personal worth; they never forget their core or personal beauty and all its promises. However, beyond its capacity to influence individual happiness, self-awareness is the basis of interpersonal relationships which extends to social happiness.

Purposefulness: People of significant destiny are highly purpose-driven, goal-oriented and committed to a mission. They are not wanderers of life neither do they work aimlessly. They are always out with a purpose in mind. This empowers them to be able to say no when faced with distractions.

Discipline: Discipline is a deliberate, conscious exertion and conditioning of the self towards achieving a particular purpose. Discipline is the tenterhook that connects the individual self to the purpose. The self is full of dreams, wants and aspirations but it is fundamentally lazy. The self always wants to move from one end to another in brief months. Like the butterfly, the self patches from one flower to another in search for nectar. However, discipline helps the self to stay truly committed to a single course or a clearly defined purpose.

Service-Oriented: Individuals who are destined for greatness are service oriented, not selfish. They constantly seek how they can deploy their gifts including talents, energy and material resources for the betterment of humanity or people in their immediate environment. They are like the river which constantly flows and consequently is renewed.

Confidence: Powerful individuals exude confidence internally and externally. Whereas, discipline drives internal or self confidence of the individual, service fosters their external or social confidence. In other words, people’s ability to use their talents and skills to solve problems translates to their social proof which is social recognition and approval of their talents and skills.

Humility born of Service: People of higher calling often think of themselves as servant leaders and the custodians of the fate of their followers. Therefore, they do not allow their achievement to get in to their head such that they place themselves at the centre of everything.

Reflective/Perceptive Faculty: people destined for greatness are highly perceptive and reflective. They exhibit a keen sense of awareness through the power of their reasoning and intuition. They never forget where they are coming from nor do they become so immersed in their abilities and achievements that they can no longer see through details and nuances. They understand there is a thin line between progress and decline which is carelessness.

Patience: People of higher nature are no wasters of their efforts, talents, energy and resources. They understand the law of time. Therefore, they are ever willing and ready to wait to see the seed of their action propagate into their desired outcome.

Grace: individuals destined for greatness invariably enjoy grace which unlocks new possibilities and greater opportunities as they proceed with their service and purpose-driven life. Grace here is not some mysterious, cosmic advantage but a lavish reward one gets for exhibiting one’s capacity for greatness in a relatively lesser position. Grace is invariably born out of confidence in an individual; it means nature, the gods or significant persons are willing to place a higher stake on an individual based on his/her history of work ethic and demonstrating faith in his/herself.

Contentment: Though they constantly seek to break new limits with regards to their defined purposes, Individuals of higher calling do not allow unfettered ambition, passion or desires to take them off the rail. This is important because too much of desires and passion often make a slave out of a king.

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3 THOUGHTS ON 10 Signs You are Destined for Greatness

  1. Matshi says: May 18, 2023 At 12:43 PM

    Heartfelt. May you be blessed with more wisdom and more years of grace ?

    • Oghenero Orumah- Agunbiade says: May 20, 2023 At 4:15 AM

      Amen. You too, thanks, and thanks immensely and sincerely for the insightful piece. The Lord bless you.

  2. Anonymous says: May 20, 2023 At 5:00 AM

    Amen Thank you.

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